I haven't posted here in years and years. An awful lot has changed in my life since my last musings here and I'm starting to wonder if I should fire back up again.
My kids are quite a bit older now and are less hands on than they were at the time of my last post. Watching them grow into actual human beings with personalities and very clear likes and dislikes has been a joy, and a test. My husband and I are stronger than ever together and continue to grow and learn from one another all of the time. Friends have come and gone and changed shape within my circle but those who I need are held tight and new relationships are always welcomed.
In 2011 I took up knitting and it has become a full on obsession. The craft has brought me some of my now nearest and dearest friends and has opened up an entire community of like minded individuals who I enjoy connecting with (either in person or online) on a daily basis. It has taught me so much more than one would assume and has shown me more of who I am than any other pursuit in my life, save, perhaps, parenting.
Life plugs along at a steady pace. 2018 has become something of a new beginning for me in a lot of ways and I feel motivated to begin creating in this space again. Even if only to add my voice to the void and fall on proverbial deaf ears.
There has been devastating loss and incredible gains, however, we remain Three Redheads and a Crazy Lady.